Receiving an 8+ Overall Score

Better than a discount, if your project receives an 8+ overall score, you'll be offered additional hosting and evaluations for that material for free. More 8+ scores will result in more free hosting and evaluations.

Here's how it works:
The Black List defines a high-scoring project as one that has received an overall score of 8, 9, or 10 by a Black List reader. All of our readers are professionals in the industry, experienced in the format (TV, film, theater) that they evaluate, and well-versed in Black List standards for feedback.

When you receive an overall score of 8 or higher, you'll be contacted via email with a link to activate and claim 2 free months of hosting as well as 2 free evaluations. This offer can only be applied to the project that received the 8+ score. Additionally, the Black List will include your project in a weekly email to our industry members spotlighting the loglines and titles of the previous week’s most exceptional projects. Finally, your project will be highlighted on the Black List's social media channels.

Two 8+ scores categorize your project as Black List Recommended. Both the project and your writer profile will each automatically display a Black List Recommended badge to help ensure industry members are easily able to identify exceptional material.

If you receive five 8+ overall scores, the Black List will host that project for free for as long as you'd like.