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The 2024 Diversity Lists

Submissions for the six diversity lists of 2024 are now open!

We've partnered with GLAAD, CAPE, MPAC’s Hollywood Bureau, The Salon, the Latin Tracking Board, NALIP, 1in4 Coalition, and the WGA Disabled Writers Committee to select the most authentic, inclusive unmade stories in Hollywood. The Indigenous List, created in collaboration with IllumiNative and Sundance Institute, will return in 2025.

We also have a NEW diversity list to announce, The Desi List!
Created in collaboration with The Salon, the Desi List will focus on highlighting stories from South Asian writers (The UN defines South Asia as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka) featuring at least one South Asian character in a prominent, leading role.


All 2024 diversity lists have the same timeline. Interested writers and creators should submit their scripts for consideration between the February 28, 2024-July 1, 2024 submission window.

Please read the requirements for each diversity list carefully before submitting, as each list has different eligibility criteria. Writers can submit their work to any diversity list for which they may qualify and are welcome to submit to multiple diversity lists at once. 

Selected writers will be notified of their diversity list placement in late summer 2024, with a press and social media announcement to follow. We will notify selected writers directly - thank you for your patience in the meantime!

Fee Waivers

Another major update for the 2024 diversity lists: AMC Networks is providing 400 fee waivers for eligible writers across all active diversity lists! These fee waivers include one free month of hosting and one free evaluation on the Black List website. This access will allow 400 writers to submit their work for diversity list consideration at no cost and provide access to the entire ecosystem, where their work can be made accessible to thousands of industry professionals and submitted to a wide array of Black List partnerships and programs beyond the diversity lists.

Find more about the 2024 Diversity Lists and their fee waiver process below!