Diversity List Fee Waivers

AMC Networks has provided 400 fee waivers for eligible writers across all active diversity lists! Fee waivers will be equally distributed across the 2024 diversity lists and at the discretion of diversity list partners, AMC Networks and the Black List.

Fee waivers include one free month of hosting and one free evaluation on the Black List website. The month of hosting and evaluation provided by the waiver will ensure that 400 writers are able to submit their work for diversity list consideration at no cost AND provide access to the entire blcklst.com ecosystem, where their work can be made accessible to thousands of industry professionals and submitted to a wide array of Black List partnerships and programs beyond the diversity lists. All site programs and labs require an online script that has at least one evaluation.

Update: as of May 2024 all available fee waivers for the Disability, Latine, GLAAD, Muslim, and Desi Lists have been distributed. If you have not received one in the past year, we encourage you to explore our general fee waivers.

Fee Waiver Process:

From the PROGRAMS portal, find the Diversity List you'd like to opt into and select the Request Fee Waiver button. From here, you'll be asked to provide some context for your application. You'll also have the option to upload a new script (one that isn't already in your dashboard) OR choose from a list of eligible scripts already in your dashboard.

After you finalize and submit your application, an informational banner will appear at the top of the page tracking the status of your submission. Please note: you will not be able to apply for another Diversity List fee waiver if your application is approved or while it is pending.

We'll be approving and rejecting fee waivers on a weekly basis, so please include at least a one-week turnaround when waiting to hear back from us.

If you plan to opt into multiple Lists, we recommend prioritizing any Diversity List fee waiver applications in order of each List’s importance/relevance to you and your project.

Things to keep in mind

If you're approved for a Diversity List fee waiver, you will not be able to apply for any other Diversity List-associated waivers. That said, you're still welcome to apply for fee waivers associated with any other active program.

The fee waiver helps ensure your script meets the Black List's basic site requirements for program consideration: an online script with at least one evaluation. As long as your project meets all other eligibility criteria of an active program, you can enter that script into as many programs as you like - including other Diversity Lists.

What to do if your application is not approved

If your fee waiver application isn't approved, you can still opt your script into consideration! As long as it meets all eligibility criteria, you can manually opt your script into this list or any other program via the Programs page from now until the final submission deadline. Just be sure your script is online and has at least one pending or completed evaluation when you opt in.

Alternative options

If you've not received a general fee waiver for any script in the past 365 days, you are encouraged to apply for a general fee waiver, which can be accessed via the FEE WAIVER tab of your Account Settings. These waivers are designed to serve new writers to the site and function similarly to a Diversity List waiver. If you apply and receive a waiver, you'll be able to opt into the Diversity List of your choice via the ADD/EDIT SUBMISSION button as soon as your evaluation has been completed.